“Dr. Dre Is a Medical Doctor That Makes Music in His Spare Time” Episode 97 of The Gospel Friends

Medical Dr Dre

“Dr. Dre Is a Medical Doctor That Makes Music in His Spare Time!”
Episode 97 of The Gospel Friends

Featuring: David “Rev. Verbiage’ McConnell, Chase “Captain Crunchy” Thompson, Immanuel “The General” Marsh. Still MIA: NAwol Nick Jenkins.

Rejected Titles:

1. This sermon is not going to cost Chase anything, but it is going to get me molested.
2. Romans: Thou art using the wrong latrine!”
3. Homeschooling, AKA “Mommy High”
4. “I’m not here to talk about my wife, I’m here to talk about Jesus.”
5. “Chase is an undercover black guy”


Big Deal or Little Deal:

  1. http://theblazingcenter.com/2016/05/outrage-target-and-bathroom-controversy.html
  2. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2016/05/josh-harris-apologizes.html  (Note: we don’t agree with the overall tenor of this blog author)
  3. http://theblazingcenter.com/2016/05/stop-calling-your-wife-hot.html
  4. ALMOST a topic: http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Joshua-Missionary-Baptist-Church-Long-Island-Message-to-Oil-Take-Thieves-Huntington-379810001.html #churchsignsImmanuel’s Rant:    http://ftc.co/resource-library/blog-entries/when-ball-becomes-baal

Contact Us

Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special Thanks

to Shawn Lombard for our into music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

to Jeff Hendricks (@FunkyStickman) for our outro music – “Jesus Is A Friend of Mine (Remix)”
Website: http://soundcloud.com/notentirelyunlikechiptune/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/notentirelychip/

“Baby, I’m Doing a Podcast – Adventures in Ministry #2” Episode 96 of The Gospel Friends

“Baby, I’m Doing a Podcast!”
Episode 96 of The Gospel Friends

Note: This is a short, mid-week episode of the show. We are releasing it as an experiment, and might keep doing this  in the future, but might not. Stay tuned. And yes, sharp-eared true believers – the intro and outro to the show were recorded at a different time than the rest of the show. Magic!

Featuring: David “Rev. Verbiage’ McConnell and Chase “Captain Crunchy” Thompson. We are behind on voice mails, but hope to get them in the next episode!

Topics: Adventures in Ministry: First sermon ever, and what has been learned since then.

Contact Us

Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special Thanks

to Shawn Lombard for our into music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

to Jeff Hendricks (@FunkyStickman) for our outro music – “Jesus Is A Friend of Mine (Remix)”
Website: http://soundcloud.com/notentirelyunlikechiptune/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/notentirelychip/

“Adventures in Ministry (AKA: Dinner and Dancing)” Episode 94 of The Gospel Friends

“Adventures in Ministry (AKA: Dinner and Dancing)”
Episode 94 of The Gospel Friends

Note: This is a short, mid-week episode of the show. We are releasing it as an experiment, and might do this again in the future, but might not. Stay tuned. And yes, sharp-eared true believers – the intro and outro to the show were recorded at a different time than the rest of the show.  Magic!

Featuring:  David “Rev. Verbiage’ McConnell, Immanuel “The General” Marsh and Chase “Captain Crunchy” Thompson.  Thanks to Rob Haughton for his ,uhm, epic story!

Topics: Adventures in Ministry: The panel discusses the worst and funniest episodes of ministry that they’ve ever been involved in.

Contact Us

Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special Thanks

to Shawn Lombard for our into music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

to Jeff Hendricks (@FunkyStickman) for our outro music – “Jesus Is A Friend of Mine (Remix)”
Website: http://soundcloud.com/notentirelyunlikechiptune/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/notentirelychip/

“The Renewed Mind Is the Key”, Episode 16 of The Gospel Friends

“The Renewed Mind Is The Key”
Episode 16 of The Gospel Friends
Special Guest Host: Immanuel Marsh


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

Immanuel Hates Apple


The Undercard 



The Main Event

Big deal or Little Deal? (Chase)




Football team forced to remove Christian crosses from helmets (David)

Would you marry a cohabiting couple? (Immanuel)


Listener Feedback

Let There Be Movies (@LetThereBMovies)
9/9/14, 2:39 PM
@mygospelfriends Just heard ep. 13. I hope I’m not too late, but my vote is for “THE Twitter”. Because annoying 🙂 Great show guys!

Jeremiah Martin (@jeremiahdmartin)
9/10/14, 6:52 PM
@mygospelfriends I’m listening to the 25th episode right now. Not so great, guys…

Dan: You have some explaining to do! (Is it possible to talk about this show in an acceptable way??) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzqtXU0p7Ks From the Australian Children’s TV show, Round The Twist. Round the Twist is notable for having pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable for children’s television, to the extent that the Australian Children’s Television Foundation had difficulty finding a distributor for it: according to the ACTF’s marketing Manager Jenny Buckland, “the scripts were declared ‘too rude’, ‘not for television’ and ‘outrageous'”.[2]
Some episodes include references to flatulence, defecation, urination, body odor, underwear, birth, death, nudity, incest, and genitalia.[3] However these are all used for comic effect, and the series also engages with significant personal or social issues such as environmental conservation, or relations with the opposite sex.[4] Many episodes revolve around helping restless spirits of dead people or animals find peace.[5]

Chris stuttard (@ChrisStuttard) 9/11/14, 10:58 AM Food question what is this @mygospelfriends pic.twitter.com/
Google middlesbrough parmo //: also: ramsdens is the sponsor not Harry ramsdens but a pawn broker. The nickname is boro.
Also from Chris: @mygospelfriends as soon as a brother or sister who we dislike falls we seem to forget all sin is equal and we are just as bad as them.

@tonystaley Church sign for you guys from southern Ohio. @mygospelfriends http://t.co/dBd3MWipMW
From the Hall of Dogma:
Elijiah Thompson Buffalo, NY…My boss calls it “the twitter”. He doesn’t listen to the show. He’s serious.

Immanuel Marsh — What I learned from Episode 15: Neither Nick Jenkins nor Chase Thompson knows where Heineken is brewed.
The Aftershow

Top Ten Most Embarrassing-Yet-Hilarious Christian Videos

Chris stuttard (@ChrisStuttard)
9/11/14, 1:05 PM
@mygospelfriends john daker, and mighty to save hahaha. Coming to @JoelOsteen church next Sunday renewed mind lol.

Rachel @journeyofchuck
@mygospelfriends I’ve seen most of these, but “john daker” is new to me. The subtitles put it over the top. Can’t stop watching it. Crying.

Samuel Lovell ‏@samuel_lovell @mygospelfriends thanks for the shout-out (can’t say I was surprised, obviously…) Fav video in top 10 is Pensacola Free Will song, btw…



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

“the X Friends”, Episode X (aka 10) of The Gospel Friends

“the X Friends”
Episode X (aka 10) of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

“I am the worst pastor that ever lived…”


The Undercard

Game: Finish That Proverb


The Main Event

5 Easy Steps to a Shallow Christian Life, Chase

Stop Outsourcing Child Welfare, Nick

Yay or Nay, David


Question of the Week:

Are you in favor of a church having 1 traditional and 1 contemporary service? Why or Why not?

Emily LaVigne @Mumlavigne · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends if the church has two distinctive demographics where the congregation would be better served with such, then yes.
Marusha @Marusha76 · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Against, because church isn’t about preferences but to serve God in pleasing and acceptable ways together.
Killer Tortilla @killerTortilla · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Generally, no. Feels like two different churches in the same building. Focus on ensuring music is doctrinally sound.
Michael Robinson @wm_robinson · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Im not in favor of it or against it. It just seen to work well. One usually overtakes the other.
Fr. Eddie Green @EdwardBGreen · Jul 31
@Marusha76 @mygospelfriends Matthew 13:52. But ideally together. Obviously high mass with a worship band is my ‘tradition’.
Desiree Johnson @mrsangrygrandma · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends I prefer a blended service. However, I’m not against two services. It’s not a heart issue, just one of musical taste.
Chris Land @jchrisland · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends That does not show unity in a church whatsoever. So I am not for it.
Caretaker Man ‏@baptistfixer Aug 1
@mygospelfriends @Marusha76 I’m not a fan but as long as there is enough time between the two for me to do my thing without crying in pain..
Caretaker Man‏@baptistfixer
@mygospelfriends @Marusha76 …seriously though, i second @Marusha76 . To aim worship @ congregants is abhorrent in the extreme.
Michael Woodard @RMichaelWoodard · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends I’m Ok with it. Today’s traditional was yesterday’s contemporary. Just keep Creator the focus, not creature.
Stephen Bowen ن @countryboy7477 · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends I spoke at a church that did this. It seemed to separate the elders & youth. Bad idea in my view but was working for them.
Desiree Johnson @mrsangrygrandma · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends @wadehowelljr some chrchs need 2 svc bc of size. If it makes sense to have 2 styles & still come together in service, ok


Listener Feedback

David – shout out to @ElijiahT
Once I catch up on all of the @mygospelfriends’ podcasts, maybe i’ll give timely feedback and win a box of honeycomb. (Also – as a soon to be podcaster, I’m a big fan of the show. I just need to set up my own hall of dogma AND also suggested Samus Aran as a ‘modestly dressed’ heroine)
@baptistfixer (caretaker man) for his iTunes review. (David’s Challenge to CareTaker Man)
Dan’s Call. Natalie’s comment.
@iamsuperdad called David, David Mctonguetwist)
@anonchurchmembr Guys I love the podcast. I feel like I am listening to myself talk to me. If that makes any sense. It’s a good thing.
Jon Lorbacher @Jon_Lorbacher · 18h @jdavidmcconnell @mygospelfriends no problem. I greatly appreciate what you guys are doing. Sure makes the workday go by quicker!

From Tony Staley:
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask your take on a subject close to my heart. We tweeted back and forth about the Warcraft movie and I would like to know your opinion on RPGs and MMOs.
My wife and I played Warcraft for a few years. We tried not to play while my son was up, but we played a lot after bedtime, 2 – 3 hours a day. We decided to quit when our second child was on the way. For multiple reasons, but primarily time, money and we did feel that the theme was potentially opening a door for demonic activity in our home, as our son did seem to be dealing with fear issues that have since resolved.
I have recently started playing hearthstone for 30 – 60 minutes every couple days and the movie is coming out in the next couple years, so what is your take?
@tonystaley on twitter.


The Aftershow

More (Interesting Church Signs)


Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

The Gospel Friends, Episode 8 “Breakin’ the Law”

The Gospel Friends
Episode 8 “Breakin’ the Law”


What’s On Tap?


Oh No, You Didn’t

They killed Archie to make a political point?

And in related news, Thor is now a girl…


The Undercard
Game: Cereal Slogan Trivia


The Main Event

Ten Cliches Christians Should Never Use (David)

Ten Cliches Christians Should Never Use

TIOLI (Chase)
Facephone vs. “As the Osteen Turns” and Movie Trailers vs. Discussion Points > Moses vs. Unbroken

More on Suffering…

Kindle Unlimited, Netflix, Logos, Oh My! (Nick)


Listener Feedback

  • Care Taker Man (@baptistfixer): ”As I clean our sanctuary chairs, I’m reminded to be thankful that I don’t work for White Tail Chapel in Virginia.”
  • Voicemail from Josh


The Aftershow

Fail of the Week: 3 unassuming ministers, are almost arrested watching a grown man get a birthday spanking in a public place…


Contact Info

Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735


Special Thanks

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

The Gospel Friends, Episode 6 “Waffle Wager”

The Gospel Friends
Episode 6, “Waffle Wager”


What’s on tap?
Oh No, You Didn’t…
Battlefield: Social Media
Game of the Week, Nick
Frozen Trivia
Five and Dime, David
When Politics, Culture invade Fast Food: Burger King unveils the a Proud Whopper
How Patriotic should our churches be?
Minister’s Kid’s Parents, Nick
a discussion of “Pastor’s Kid” by Barnabas Piper and how we balance family and ministry and the things that go along with it
Take It or Leave It, Chase
“Facebook” or “Pastor Superdad”
“Facebook” – http://www.ozy.com/acumen/is-social-media-killing-your-marriage/32192.article?utm_source=A1&utm_medium=pp&utm_campaign=pp
“Pastor Superdad” – Barnabas Piper interview Trevin: I hear people talking today about the need for a pastor to “pastor his family” first. You say this is bad advice. Why?
Barnabas: It’s bad advice because of what the term “pastor” has come to mean. I know people mean well by using it, but “pastor” is a job title loaded with a thousand expectations.
Pastors are, in many cases, expected to be supermen – morally superior, intellectually sound, theologians, counselors, preachers, teachers, businessmen, accountants, strategists, leaders, etc. If they bring those same sorts of expectations home nobody will benefit. Either they will think too much of themselves or feel like a failure.
Pastors’ kids don’t want superman. They want a present, loving father.

“Name Game” or “Falling Away”
“Name Game” – Is it okay to call yourself a Christian? http://www.relevantmagazine.com/current/op-ed/its-ok-call-yourself-christian#l2EmVytUeWUqsP8Q.01
In Rolling Stone’s upcoming cover story, Mumford demurred when asked if he considered himself a Christian, as a teaser on the magazine’s website revealed. “I don’t really like that word. It comes with so much baggage,” he said, in terms that many fans will relate to. “So, no, I wouldn’t call myself a Christian.”
Mumford, the son of the U.K. founders of the evangelical Vineyard movement
As Mumford went on to explain about such people who call themselves “Christian,” “I think the word just conjures up all these religious images that I don’t really like. I have my personal views about the person of Jesus and who He was. Like, you ask a Muslim and they’ll say, ‘Jesus was awesome’—they’re not Christians, but they still love Jesus.”
“Falling Away” – The number one predictive factor as to whether or not a young Christian will retain his or her faith is whether that person has a meaningful relationship with an older Christian http://aspengroup.com/blog/millennials-need-a-bigger-god-not-a-hipper-pastor

“Abortion Trophy” or “Stetzer”
“Abortion Trophy” – http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/07/02/see-the-alleged-planned-parenthood-award-that-might-make-anti-abortion-advocates-feel-sick-to-their-stomachs/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=ShareButtons
“Stetzer” – http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2011/october/why-i-have-no-difficulty-helping-issue-christians-to-move.html

World Cup, Tim Howard’s Faith, and Tim Howard’s Saves
Tim Howard jokes / tweets:

The best Tim Howard jokes after 16 saves against Belgium

Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735

Shoutout to those on Soundcloud or Stitcher – please subscribe through iTunes

Special thank to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/
Notable links we didn’t quite get to: