“The Doctor and His Taurus”, Episode 15 of The Gospel Friends

“The Doctor and His Taurus”
Episode 15 of The Gospel Friends



Samuel Lovell (@samuel_lovell)
@mygospelfriends Listening to episode 15 now – liking it a lot!


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

5 Things Our Parents Did That Would Get Them Arrested Today


The Undercard

The Foodie Quiz, David


The Main Event

Big Deal or Little Deal? (Chase)
Mars Hill Elders Resign
Respiratory Virus
Andy Stanley, “Foundation of our faith is an event not a book”

Sabbath: Gift or Unnecessary Old Testament Command? (David)

Gungor, Young Earth, and Parables (Nick)

Gungor Controversy Continues as Singer States Jesus Could Have Been Wrong About Adam, Noah



Listener Feedback

NotEntirelyUnlike (‏@NotEntirelyChip)
By request of @mygospelfriends , here is our #NESRemix! https://soundcloud.com/notentirelyunlikechiptune/jesus-is-a-friend-of-mine-cover …

FunkyStickman ‏(@FunkyStickman)
Just finished a tune for our #NESCovers and @mygospelfriends Stay tuned for linkage… #JesusIsMyFriend

infidel ‏(@themadgermanic)
@mygospelfriends Really? I am gODLESS,hence “infidel” for all the camel-******s and keep the flat earth ***t away,thank you…#PickAnewBook

Gary Goodridge (@GaryHGoodridge) FOLLOWS YOU
I’ve competed in fight promotions such as the K-1, UFC and Pride FC. Available for seminars and personal training. Also will be managing fighters

Sean Francis (@AdhesiveWombatt)
@mygospelfriends be on the look out for this months Ann Coulter fan club newsletter. Coming soon to an inbox near you. 🙂

James Mc Sorley (@JMCS76)
@jdavidmcconnell @mygospelfriends wow, you could possibly be related to my pastor, James Mc Connell of the Whitewell Tabernacle Belfast.

Chris stuttard (@ChrisStuttard)
@mygospelfriends the football (proper football) team I support is middlesbrough. Based in the north east of England.pic.twitter.com/x4bwr5jAaK also as I think we have a great home team kit. I am from Yorkshire.and half welsh lol.


The Aftershow

@MushKat @tomgara @mygospelfriends What do you guys think? An operational necessity or a practicality gone too far?  http://t.co/jaxVXXusHc

View post on imgur.com

Top Ten Most Embarrassing-Yet-Hilarious Christian Videos



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Not Entirely Unlike Chiptune, with acknowledgement to Sonseed, for our music this week


“Something About An Integer and A Guy Named Driscoll”, Episode 11 of The Gospel Friends

“Something About An Integer and A Guy Named Driscoll”
Episode 11 of The Gospel Friends
What’s On Tap?
The Cold Open
“What were you guys thinking?!?”
The Main Event

Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll’s Removal from the Acts 29 Network

Post on Acts29Network.org:

August 8, 2014
A Message from the Board of Acts 29 concerning Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church

It is with deep sorrow that the Acts 29 Network announces its decision to remove Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church from membership in the network. Mark and the Elders of Mars Hill have been informed of the decision, along with the reasons for removal. It is our conviction that the nature of the accusations against Mark, most of which have been confirmed by him, make it untenable and unhelpful to keep Mark and Mars Hill in our network. In taking this action, our prayer is that it will encourage the leadership of Mars Hill to respond in a distinctive and godly manner so that the name of Christ will not continue to be dishonored.

The Board of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network

Matt Chandler
Darrin Patrick
Steve Timmis
Eric Mason
John Bryson
Bruce Wesley
Leonce Crump


I. Am. Not. Anonymous.

Driscoll Apology: http://marshill.com/2014/07/21/the-weekly-7-21-14
Jonathan Merrit on Accepting Driscoll’s apology: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/commentary-why-i-accept-mark-driscolls-apology–and-you-should-too/2014/08/06/1cfe2962-1da6-11e4-9b6c-12e30cbe86a3_story.html
Driscoll at Strange Fire (Controversy): http://www.christianpost.com/buzzvine/mark-driscoll-crashes-john-macarthurs-strange-fire-conference-photos-106976/
Driscoll and the ‘Mars Hill Bus’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfTmgPhmlto

Dan Richardson: I owe so much of my early growth to their ministry so this is certainly painful to read. I pray that there be true repentance practiced and that Christ might be glorified through it. We should take no pleasure in what is going on at MH. These are real people, with real hurts caused by real sin.
Coming Soon: Discussion on Abuse in the Church
The Out of Place Undercard
Game: This or That, Chase
On Deck for Next Week: Warning Signs of a Cult
Listener Feedback
Caretaker Man (@baptistfixer)
@mygospelfriends As for us trying to get you guys all Osteenlike-famous here in Australia

Chris Susskin @csusskin This is David. Cap’n & Nuke are ‘Bama boys. I bleed orange&blue. You have a War Eagle shout out coming on Ep 11.

Superdad (@IamSuperdad)
@mygospelfriends Catching up on podcast.  Maybe our church is different, but amazing things are happening with our two different services. Both our “contemporary” and “traditional” services are filled with multi-generational families.  We may be an outlier tho. I believe the secret is in our Bible study times.  We have studies for all ages during both service times.

Eric Lopez (@Bigeasy3737)
@mygospelfriends Just started listening to the podcast & it’s freakin awesome. Thanks for putting this together guys.

Tom Sikes (@dad_2_10) @
mygospelfriends I listened the X, didnt know if I should laugh my head off or say Yea and Amen!!!

We recently asked the Twittersphere what topics would you like to hear us cover:

Rob Johnson (@RobJohnson90) says (Longer Ending of Mark; Be interested in your thoughts on it. Mark 16:9-20.

Dominick (@aDefeatedVictor) Hebrews 6:1, He says There seems to be a tension of what Hebrews 6:1 means. Whether it is speaking about what came before Christ or basic teachings of Christ.
The Aftershow
Fail of the Decade Follow-up


Contact Us:

Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

“the X Friends”, Episode X (aka 10) of The Gospel Friends

“the X Friends”
Episode X (aka 10) of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

“I am the worst pastor that ever lived…”


The Undercard

Game: Finish That Proverb


The Main Event

5 Easy Steps to a Shallow Christian Life, Chase

Stop Outsourcing Child Welfare, Nick

Yay or Nay, David


Question of the Week:

Are you in favor of a church having 1 traditional and 1 contemporary service? Why or Why not?

Emily LaVigne @Mumlavigne · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends if the church has two distinctive demographics where the congregation would be better served with such, then yes.
Marusha @Marusha76 · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Against, because church isn’t about preferences but to serve God in pleasing and acceptable ways together.
Killer Tortilla @killerTortilla · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Generally, no. Feels like two different churches in the same building. Focus on ensuring music is doctrinally sound.
Michael Robinson @wm_robinson · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends Im not in favor of it or against it. It just seen to work well. One usually overtakes the other.
Fr. Eddie Green @EdwardBGreen · Jul 31
@Marusha76 @mygospelfriends Matthew 13:52. But ideally together. Obviously high mass with a worship band is my ‘tradition’.
Desiree Johnson @mrsangrygrandma · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends I prefer a blended service. However, I’m not against two services. It’s not a heart issue, just one of musical taste.
Chris Land @jchrisland · Jul 31
@mygospelfriends That does not show unity in a church whatsoever. So I am not for it.
Caretaker Man ‏@baptistfixer Aug 1
@mygospelfriends @Marusha76 I’m not a fan but as long as there is enough time between the two for me to do my thing without crying in pain..
Caretaker Man‏@baptistfixer
@mygospelfriends @Marusha76 …seriously though, i second @Marusha76 . To aim worship @ congregants is abhorrent in the extreme.
Michael Woodard @RMichaelWoodard · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends I’m Ok with it. Today’s traditional was yesterday’s contemporary. Just keep Creator the focus, not creature.
Stephen Bowen ن @countryboy7477 · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends I spoke at a church that did this. It seemed to separate the elders & youth. Bad idea in my view but was working for them.
Desiree Johnson @mrsangrygrandma · Aug 1
@mygospelfriends @wadehowelljr some chrchs need 2 svc bc of size. If it makes sense to have 2 styles & still come together in service, ok


Listener Feedback

David – shout out to @ElijiahT
Once I catch up on all of the @mygospelfriends’ podcasts, maybe i’ll give timely feedback and win a box of honeycomb. (Also – as a soon to be podcaster, I’m a big fan of the show. I just need to set up my own hall of dogma AND also suggested Samus Aran as a ‘modestly dressed’ heroine)
@baptistfixer (caretaker man) for his iTunes review. (David’s Challenge to CareTaker Man)
Dan’s Call. Natalie’s comment.
@iamsuperdad called David, David Mctonguetwist)
@anonchurchmembr Guys I love the podcast. I feel like I am listening to myself talk to me. If that makes any sense. It’s a good thing.
Jon Lorbacher @Jon_Lorbacher · 18h @jdavidmcconnell @mygospelfriends no problem. I greatly appreciate what you guys are doing. Sure makes the workday go by quicker!

From Tony Staley:
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask your take on a subject close to my heart. We tweeted back and forth about the Warcraft movie and I would like to know your opinion on RPGs and MMOs.
My wife and I played Warcraft for a few years. We tried not to play while my son was up, but we played a lot after bedtime, 2 – 3 hours a day. We decided to quit when our second child was on the way. For multiple reasons, but primarily time, money and we did feel that the theme was potentially opening a door for demonic activity in our home, as our son did seem to be dealing with fear issues that have since resolved.
I have recently started playing hearthstone for 30 – 60 minutes every couple days and the movie is coming out in the next couple years, so what is your take?
@tonystaley on twitter.


The Aftershow

More (Interesting Church Signs)


Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

The Gospel Friends, Episode 2 “The Gospel Friends X, because X makes it cooler…”

The Gospel Friends
Episode 8 “Breakin’ the Law”
Twitter Feedback from @adhesivewombat
What’s On Tap?
Are You Guys Drunk?
Ministry uses bible verse and Adolf Hitler quote (we had honorable intentions!!)
Check This Out
The Undercard

Game: Heresy or Not?
The Main Event

Real Talk X: Music, Nick

Take It or Leave It
As the Driscoll Turns
Left Behind Movie Trailer

Pulpit Plagiarism – Is it on the rise? Is it even a problem? Should we even care?

Is pulpit plagiarism on the rise? Some blame the Internet

The Aftershow

Theology for Dummies aka Theogeeks: Antinomianism

Man fakes murder for Google street maps
Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/