“We’ve Got A Mormon Up In The Bullpen”, Episode 25 of The Gospel Friends

“We’ve Got A Mormon Up In The Bullpen”
Episode 25 of The Gospel Friends
What’s On Tap?
The Cold Open

What Were You Thinking?!? Global Edition
The Undercard

The Gospel Friends Trivia, David
The Main Event

Joseph Smith and Polygamy (Chase)

How can churches REALLY be friendly? (David)

Hall Monitor (Nick)

  • Pulpit Plagiarism
    • link from previous discussion on the topic – http://www.religionnews.com/2014/06/04/pastoral-plagiarism-rise-cite-digital-ease/
  • Christian Resources
  • Friends of the Show
    • Kevin Small – myhopejourney.co
    • Robert Johnson – http://apologetics105.com/
    • Tony Vance – revtonyvance.wix.com/tonyvance
    • let us know if you have a blog we didn’t include

Listener Feedback

@mygospelfriends Why does @nickjenkins sound like he’s trying to pick up a date when he gives out the contact info?

FunkyStickman @funkystickman
@mygospelfriends Re Driscoll: I think people disliked his personality, & they were looking for a reason to take him down. Max H. is right. “Ministry Of Criticism” is so sad. Offended/Victim culture has permeated the church, and it sickens me.

VoiceMail – Corey

Old Paths Guide @oldpathsguide
@mygospelfriends Thanks so much for the discussion on women teaching in the ecclessia. Your take was exactly mine. The issue is authority. BTW – Don’t quote scripture from the (ESV) Evil Satanic Version! Get back on them #oldpaths

Chad Neil @cneil1992
@mygospelfriends just now listening to Episode #24 and have a suggestion for Rev…DVR!!! Timer on VCR??? Really??? LOLOLOL!!! #jackbauer
D. Johnson @mrsangrygrandma
@cneil1992 @mygospelfriends I have a TiVo I could sell him. 😉



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

“The Fix Is In”, Episode 24 of The Gospel Friends

“The Fix Is In”
Episode 24 of The Gospel Friends


The Cold Open

What’s On Tap?

What Were You Thinking?!?


The Undercard

Game: The Basic Bible Trivia Game, Chase


The Main Event

From Old Paths Guide Would love to hear discussion on women teaching Sunday School. #SeriousTweet

Hall Monitor

Being a Christian Doesn’t Always Look Like You Think It Should


Listener Feedback

Chris Atwood @motioninmeaning
Followed by @mygospelfriends the other day, so I started listening. They brought up @dustinkensrue and that sealed the deal. I’m sold.
@mygospelfriends You guys associated haggis,kilts,and bagpipes with Ireland.My ancestors are rolling in their graves! http://t.co/StHie2f1fn
@mygospelfriends I’m almost caught up through episodes. A few episodes back caught my ear.I’d pay for the book “Calvanism According to Nick”

@mygospelfriends I’d give you a rating on iTunes, but I don’t want to accept the Mark of the iBeast. Any ideas?

BT Horton @iconicinfidel
@mygospelfriends are the three minsters named “Larry, Moe and Curly”?

Tony Vance (the Director)
@mygospelfriends ep. 23 The General seemed Driscollesque, and a great addition. On second thought, Driscoll is not busy right now, see if…

What is the worst fast food item you’ve ever had? Tweet us back on these questions to be on the next show! (#3) http://t.co/Jy82NZrvk6

Eric Lopez @bigeasy3737
@mygospelfriends The McRib!! Hands down.
Samuel Lovell (The Doctor) @Samuel_Lovell
@mygospelfriends A Big Mac. It did terrible things to me.
The Aftershow

From Kevin & Chrystal: http://twistedsifter.com/2014/11/austin-light-illustrates-movie-titles-with-one-letter-removed/

Christian best sellers changed by one letter?



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

“Put Mr. Ed On That Bun”, Episode 23 of The Gospel Friends

“Put Mr. Ed On That Bun”
Episode 23 of The Gospel Friends


The Cold Open

What Were You Thinking?

TGF Jeopardy, Immanuel


The Main Event

From Max Headroom – Question to The General and The Gospel Friends: There is a church near where I live that seems to attract adulterous people. What responsibility does a church or pastor have when they attract people in adulterous relationships? What responsibility does a pastor have when some of those who have left their wives are now in church leadership?
Atmosphere – Strong message.

Mars Hill Update


Listener Feedback

FunkyStickman (@FunkyStickman)
@mygospelfriends how many listeners in Louisiana? No Cajun podcast listeners? Well, besides me?

Jon Lorbacher (@Jon_Lorbacher)
@mygospelfriends catching up on TGF after our new baby was born. kudos to @jdavidmcconnell getting my name right on ep.21.

James Mc Sorley (@JMCS76)
@mygospelfriends another great podcast this week guys! Had to skip breakfast after the 1st topic though. Lol.

Brad Melton (@BradEMelton)
@mygospelfriends Thanks for featuring the missions fundraising topic. Lots of good insight. Sparked more convo with friends.

Let There Be Movies (@LetThereBMovies)
@mygospelfriends we’ve established David’s southern twang, now he’s against Christian freedom of speech. Troubling profile materializing 😉

Captain Cadaver: Jeremiah D. Martin (@jeremiahdmartin)
If something happened to Nick, I would nominate Captain Cadaver as his replacement.
@mygospelfriends What would you guys think about scheduling a live Twitter chat sometime? @nickjenkins@chaseathompson @jdavidmcconnell

The Gospel Friends (@mygospelfriends)
“If you’re a church person and not a Jesus person, my heart hurts for you. It’s like being engaged and never getting married.” Matt Chandler
Preston S. Brooks (@Rebel_Bill)
@mygospelfriends What if you are a Jesus person and not a church person?

Desiree Johnson (@mrsangrygrandma)
@mygospelfriends who sounded overly excited about that KFC sandwich? 😉

Daniel Lee
Hey guys, love the show. I listen to your podcasts as I walk 18 holes of golf every Tuesday morning. Bogies are not as bad now. Thank you. Y’all need to put some seats in the hall of dogma like rickandbubba have and call them the Choir loft.
7ironman Name
Chris Atwood @motioninmeaning
Followed by @mygospelfriends the other day, so I started listening. They brought up @dustinkensrue and that sealed the deal. I’m sold.

Caretaker Man (@baptistfixer)
10/31/14, 7:30 PM
@mygospelfriends Ashes on the floor? Y’all need to stop singing “Fire Fall Down” before someone gets hurt!#StrangeFire


The Aftershow

Embarrassing Fast Food Fails



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

Episode 21 Out of Context

Episode 21, Out of Context
The General

Well… see… yeah.  You’ll just have to listen for yourself…

This “episode” of The Gospel Friends is a special edition created by cohost and friend of the show, Immanuel aka The General. He found some of our banter in Episode 21 rather… interesting… and wanted to let us know. Presented here for self-mockery purposes only.

“Buying Bernard”, Episode 22 of The Gospel Friends

“Buying Bernard”
Episode 22 of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


What Were You Thinking?!? Global Edition, David


A Stool Bank in Massachusetts Will Pay You $40 a Day for Your Poo

Young Woman Spends an Entire Week inside KFC Restaurant after Being Dumped by Boyfriend

Woman Tries to Sell Imaginary Friend on eBay


The Undercard

The Impossible Game, Chase


The Main Event

From Brad Melton: Would appreciate this as a podcast discussion topic – entrepreneurial tent making vs. full-time missions support raising. Experiencing this with some good friends who are full-time fundraising for the mission field. Other friends are firm in their opinion that tent making is the correct approach.

Chris James Stuttard via Facebook
Just to be super awkward may I throw in the George Muller card. That guy did all his work never asking for a penny. Built orphan houses and fed thousands. Was donated millions and never asked for a penny.
For him he relied on God for the money and just did what he knew God wanted him to do.

Brad Melton
Yep. Thanks, Chris. Would very much appreciate that third approach thrown into the mix as well. Focused my plea on just FT vs TM because these are the two viewpoints predominantly at odds among my friends, as well as the two focused on by this blogger review. However, I agree the conversation needs to include all options -especially the holistic trust in God approach you mentioned. Perhaps the topic should be titled “What is the best/correct strategy for missions support?”

Are short term mission trips good stewardship?



Real Friendship: A discussion of what REAL gospel friendship looks like and how to nurture it in a church full of busy and tired people, David



Listener Feedback

From the Hall: Halloween, Nick



New Blog from Kevin Small (Dr. Septum)


From The Twitter:

FunkyStickman (@FunkyStickman)
@mygospelfriends Ep 21 Geek quiz: I built many Socket 7 computers. That was the original Pentium socket, also the AMD K5/K6 and Cyrix 6×86

Let There Be Movies (@LetThereBMovies)
10/21/14, 12:49 PM
Note to self: Don’t workout at the gym while listening to @mygospelfriends. Giggling in the middle of a squat is awkward. Seriously, some of THE best marriage commentary and advice I’ve ever heard. Great stuff. Stealing it all 🙂

LOC Podcast (@locpodcast)
@mygospelfriends We checked out the newest podcast! We needed a follow up. Do any of your wives love Channing Tatum? Keep up the good work

Alexandria Romano (@focusAlexandria)
Just a shout out to my new favorite podcast @mygospelfriends who I have accidentally been calling Happy Gospel Friends. #AlaskaLovesYou


The Aftershow

Top 10 Richest Pastors in the World



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

“One Last Ride”, Episode 21 of The Gospel Friends

“One Last Ride”
Episode 21 of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Open

What Were You Thinking?!?


The Undercard

Game: Geek Trivia (Nick)


The Main Event

Houston. The city subpoenas pastors’ sermons in equal rights ordinance case.

Driscoll’s Resignation
Statement by Mars Hill: https://marshill.com/2014/10/15/pastor-mark-driscolls-resignation

Exclusive: Mark Driscoll’s resignation letter to Mars Hill Church


Listener Feedback

From The Twitter

Jon Lorbacher (@Jon_Lorbacher)
@mygospelfriends outlawing homelessness is about as useful as outlawing crime. It doesn’t take care of the problem. I think that the church does need to be taking care of homeless regardless of what the government cares to do.

Jon Lorbacher (@Jon_Lorbacher) and John Duncan (@jsduncan04)
Jon L:  In response to xtians drinking I think the Bible says not only is drinking OK but one can even enjoy the effects thereof. I think the psalmist makes that clear in saying wine which gladdens the heart. drunkenness is a sin and discernment is incredibly important. the gladdening of the heart and relaxation certainly doesn’t appear sinful. I may be wrong  John D: I agree that a drink in itself is not a sin; My objection to drinking is no one knows if they have an addictive body chemistry until it’s too late. I judge drinking only on professed doctrine. I’m Baptist so I don’t drink. If Methodist OK in moderation.

Superdad (@IamSuperdad)
A man stumbling out of water, mask and snorkel, carrying a bucket, fins on feet, casting net wrapped around shoulders…that is why a select number of people know Chase as Aquaman.

The Gospel Friends (@mygospelfriends)
So – Has anybody seen the new #leftbehind movie? Was it good? Funny? Unintentionally funny? #rapture

Thomas Horrocks (@thomaslhorrocks) awful. But fun if you go with someone who will mock it with you
William Weaver (@wllmwvr50) not as painful as some of the old lb videos. Too predictable..plot centers on a airlplane. No surprise there.

The Gospel Friends (@mygospelfriends) This might be a spot offensive, but we mean it in good fun.

Jenny Mac Rogers (@JennyMac1207): New favorite twitter account to follow: @mygospelfriends Because this:…

Drew Marshall (@WeRYouthCulture) a Christian podcast dedicated to having an unchrist-like attitude toward Joel Osteen!!! Lame!

Josh Laney (@xEtrnlSoulx) lol! I feel like you guys worry about offending people too much. But I respect your sensitivity to the potential of it.

MOE (@MOEMJB1) So judgmental.That’s God’s job,but I guess you all feel He died and made you Gods.We’re all a work in progress
Tweet Lottery (@PrizeLucky53212)

End ur boredom @mygospelfriends! You landed 1 spot into our 50 thou lotto. Click on our profile linky and use code 1786 to redeem

Brad Melton (@BradEMelton)
@mygospelfriends #GOHOGS! #BeatBama! … #ThatIsAll Don’t understand why you won’t fave my #BeatBama tweet. @jdavidmcconnell Can I get a witness? #GOHOGS! #WPS! One day I may retire to Gulf Shores. Can’t afford to become a Bama fan though. Evil is expensive. #GOHOGS! #BeatBama! 😉

Phil Benson (@jaucourt)
So I’ve been mixing up the @mygospelfriends and @ReformedPodcast podcasts. Explain for@ReformedPodcast why I’ve sent some odd tweets #doh

Josh Laney (@xEtrnlSoulx)
@mygospelfriends did “Captain” get raptured towards the end of the episode?!?! Or did he hit the mute button? AND Superdad (@IamSuperdad)
So Cap’n couldn’t finish the show due to be so distraught about bears hairs being ripped out my iPhone 6. Interesting.

FunkyStickman (@FunkyStickman)
@mygospelfriends Love the attention, but have to say as a guitarist I love Shawn Lombard’s music. Won’t hurt my feelings using his music! AND Yeeee Haw! Can’t think of better reason to be a Redneck than this:youtube.com/watch?v=1jnKVP…

Caretaker Man (@baptistfixer)
After listening to latest @mygospelfriends ep, I’m fairly certain I’m not getting the new iPhone. My glorious beard > hipster technology AND FYI: Pizza Hut promo: Guinea pigs were given as a garnish. That’s how we do dinner down here.

Tim Poole (@tpoole33)
As long as there’s strength in this body, you won’t hug me like a #JapaneseChair @mygospelfriends, it’s just not gonna happen.

Jeremiah Martin
On the one hand, I’m pumped that I was mentioned a half dozen times on the podcast. On the other hand, I feel like I wasted my first call with a terrible story… Haha. Not gonna lie, I was just thinking that every time I was mentioned I was referred to by my full name. Immanuel Marsh is just Immanuel, Dan Richardson is just Dan (from Australia), or @BaptistFixer. I was wondering how many Jeremiah’s are in the Hall that you have to emphasize my last name? Haha. I was looking forward to a nickname, but I’m slightly underwhelmed by your suggestion, David. Unless of course my superhero name is Captain Cadaver, which would be killer!
David McConnell Jeremiah – done.

Immanuel Marsh
What I learned from Episode XX:
1. The iPhone 6’s newest feature, a close shave, is not catching on with consumers.
2. Apparently, not having an affair is not high on the list of how to affair-proof your marriage.
3. Reformed/Calvinists believe that God, in his sovereignty, ordained for you to marry that abusive, adulterous, and cruel spouse so that he can receive glory, and your children can enjoy the bountiful blessing that is therapy.
Great show guys.
P.S. – Sorry for the 4-star review. I am cursed with being too honest for my own good (ask my wife). I think I deducted a star for Nick’s repeated “The Twitter” usage. However, the show that I was on is definitely a 5 star show (but only because that’s as high the rating will allow). If it makes you feel any better I finally listened to the RELEVANT podcast, and immediately thought they should add “IR” to their title. I would give them 2 stars.

Tony Vance
Just want to say you’ve offended the funeral director part of your audience (I’ve served as a Funeral Director for 24 years now) with Jeremiah Martin’s story-ugh Immanuel Marsh No one’s safe Tony. No one.

Jacob Hatcher
Thanks for the shoutout as well as the prayers, guys. I would have mentioned football as my first post but Alabama’s loss to Ole Miss and barely surviving Arkansas means I would much rather discuss the rapture. A world in which Kentucky is making a run for the East and Ole Miss and Miss State are vying for number 1 would lead me to believe in Post Trib, because the Beast surely walks among us

Chris James Stuttard
Sports related post!
Shout out to Wales at there good run In the Euro qualifiers as we have never ever qualified!
Chase Thompson Chris: are you a Proper Welshman? That is fantastic if so. What is the Wales team name? Chris James Stuttard Chase lol team name is Wales like the usa is usa hahahaha Chris James Stuttard Chase if u mean in Welsh it’s Cymru
Coming up on The Gospel Friends
Brad Melton
October 14 at 4:04pm
Would appreciate this as a podcast discussion topic -entrepreneurial tent making vs. full-time missions support raising.


The Aftershow

David has a confession…



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

“Is That A Phone In Your Beard Or Are You Just A Hipster”, Episode 20 of The Gospel Friends

“Is That A Phone In Your Beard Or Are You Just A Hipster”
Episode 20 of The Gospel Friends

What’s On Tap?

The Cold Open

What Were You Thinking?!? Global Trivia Edition


The Main Event

8 Ways for Pastors to Affair-Proof Their Marriage, Chase

Advice for the Marriage in Trouble, David

Bi-vocational Ministry, Nick


Listener Feedback

#ATHEIST ‏@ReligionStupid  35m35 minutes ago
Just listened to the @mygospelfriends podcast. All of them.

I only like when it’s over.

Dalton Blankenship ‏@momisnowtweetin  2h2 hours ago
@mygospelfriends What a joy to be able to enjoy laughter w ‘preacher folk!’ Great show (#19) I’m hooked! Gospel—like Jesus would do it today
Shmucky McShmuck ‏@antonahill  3h3 hours ago
In which I give a shout-out to @mygospelfriends! The #AtheistEditedShow with The #DevoutAtheist: http://youtu.be/WqEpAa4EJhs

MOE ‏@MOEMJB1  13h13 hours ago
@mygospelfriends  @jason_kees So judgmental.That’s God’s job,but I guess you all feel He died and made you Gods.We’re all a work in progress

Jeremiah Martin ‏@jeremiahdmartin  22h22 hours ago
“Let the listener decide, as the Bible says.” – @mygospelfriends podcast. #solidexegesis

Drew H ‏@TheReal_DrewH  Oct 5
@mygospelfriends what do you use to record other than mic?

Ryan @Salaboomhead
@mygospelfriends I have to admit being Canadian and I did enjoy your global segment…@mygospelfriends however next time I shall not listen to your podcast while eating chicken like I did this time … Chicken lost its appeal

Chris Land @jchrisland
Listening to @mygospelfriends talking about a girl having a hairball in her stomach. Thanks guys. Now I feel sick 😉

Church Member Anon
It’s time to listen to the new @mygospelfriends episode. So far I learned I can get a chair from Japan that hugs me.

Let There B Movies
@mygospelfriends Ep. 18, re: your southern accents… I only pickup a southern twang from David. Chase and Nick are pretty normal 😉

Old Paths Guide
@LetThereBMovies @mygospelfriends I don’t hear accents. I’m from the south where Jesus lives and when He talks to me it’s with a drawl. @mygospelfriends This was just about my favorite first 1/2 hour of the show you guys have ever done. Hilarious.

John Latimer
I wanted to thank you all for a couple of things as I drove to work: 1) you made me laugh so hard in the first 30 minutes of the podcast this week that I sprayed Diet Dr Pepper all over the inside of my car (which wasn’t helped by the fact that half my mouth is numb from the dentist) and 2) I made a Hoover motorcycle cop laugh at me after he saw me spray said soda in my car. Thanks.

Funky Stinkman
@mygospelfriends Website isn’t showing show notes from eps. 16-19. http://t.co/dSnVgW0GXC

Immanuel Marsh
What I learned from Episode 19:
1. The Bible does not mention cats (Because lions and leopards apparently don’t count).
2. The Gospel Friends’ kryptonite is Bible trivia.
3. iPhone 6 is the leading cause of divorce among pastors.

Jeff Hendricks
Question from Episode 19:If you are a professional (full-time) minister, do you feel (or have you in the past felt) like this limits your freedom in what you can and can’t teach about? What about music ministers? Do you feel a paycheck hinders your freedom to lead worship freely?
For years, I wanted to be a (mostly) full-time music minister, until I actually got the chance to do so. I quickly found that most churches that had paid music staff were very *very* particular in how they carried out their responsibilities. I’ve seen over and over again how the deacon committee dictated exactly what the ministerial staff did, and how they did it.
At one point, I even had someone comment “We pay you $___ so that works out to like, $__ per song!” I no longer lead worship for money… I’m not sure I would ever do so again. It would have to be under extremely unique circumstances for me to agree to it.
If you have experience with this (good or bad) I’d love to hear it. We can encourage each other here without fear of accusation or condemnation.

More From the Hall This Week

Jacob Hatcher
Hey Hall of Dogma! I’m a new listener and new to the Hall. Pre and Post Trib has been mentioned on a couple of episodes. Was wondering what everyone’s thoughts were!

Jacob Hatcher Thanks David. Our most urgent prayer is that he be able to breathe with as little assistance as possible from the machines. He had a heart surgery last Friday that he’s recovering relatively well from so we praise God for that. He’ll be in the NICU until at least Thanksgiving, so just prayers for his continued growth and our sanity. (On top of a three month early baby I work full time retail management and full time seminary student).

Jeremiah Martin
In Episode 19, you guys mentioned some people being in ministry and saying “If I could do anything else, I would… but I have to support my family.” Great thoughts on the topic, but I actually have the opposite problem. I love the work I do, but I’ve always had a heart for ministry. I’ve struggled for a long time with the idea of perpetually “preparing” for ministry and never actually being in full-time ministry. Granted, I realize not all ministry is full-time or vocational, but I travel regularly for my job and I end up missing church regularly, no less trying to be involved in ministries there. Any thoughts?

James Mc Sorley
Q for the hall. I recently heard a discussion between two reformed guys talking about John Mac Arthur on Larry Kings show. Larry asked John about his views on whether or not an infant that dies goes to heaven. Without hesitation John said they did. I was surprised to hear these two saying, that this was a dangerous position to take, as there was no scriptural proof for that viewpoint. Further they then went on to say that if an infant did go straight to heaven, christians should not protest abortion .I thought this was a staggering viewpoint. Its true everyone is born with a fallen nature and guilty in that regard, but an infant is unable to sin by practise, therefore I believe the atonement totally covers them. Also I could never conceive that God would condemn an infant. I personally agree with Mac Arthur and believe there is scriptural proof i.e 2Sam v21-23 also the bible is full of other references of little children and babies in the glory. Spurgeon also has a great sermon on the subject titled ” infant salvation”. Sensitive issue this one, but well worth a discussion.

Tony Vance
Here’s a doozy for theological thinking…
My denomination practices foot-washing as we believe Christ commanded us to do, ‘If I then , your Lord and Master , have washed your feet ; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet . ‘ (John 13:14).
So what’s the thoughts on this, ‘not much practiced’ practice?


The Aftershow

Preaching Alabama – New Reality Show



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Shawn Lombard for our music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

“I Want To Hug You Like A Japanese Chair”, Episode 19 of The Gospel Friends

I Want To Hug You Like A Japanese Chair

“I Want To Hug You Like A Japanese Chair”
Episode 19 of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

What Were You Thinking?!? Global Edition


The Undercard 

Chase’s Bible Quiz


The Main Event

From Bean: The role of Serving in the Christian life; the Biblical command to serve (David)
This recent New York Times piece (http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/24/treating-homeless-people-like-criminals/?_php=true&_type=blogs&ref=opinion&_r=0) discusses the recent trend of local municipalities attempting to outlaw homelessness in what I would consider the worst way possible. Why isn’t the church more concerned with this sort of thing? How should the church respond, and how do The Gospel Friends feel about the homeless being treated in this manner?

Big Deal or Little Deal? (Chase)

Muslim Prayer penalized and Max Lucado’s support

Gordon College to lose accreditation

10 Bad Reasons to Be a Pastor (Nick)


Listener Feedback

Shout out to Rob W. Johnson for defending the faith on his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/rwjohnson90?fref=ufi RE: Ravi Z and the problem of evil.

Let There Be Movies ‏@LetThereBMovies
@mygospelfriends Ep. 17, that constipated joke really blocked up the whole flow of the conversation…

Oldpaths Guide (@oldpathsguide)
@mygospelfriends Terrific! Thanks so much for the biblical faithfulness addressing a controversial (in some camps) issue.

FunkyStickman (@FunkyStickman)
@mygospelfriends On a scale of 1 to 10, your Southern Drawl Index (collectively) is about a 3-4. @FunkyStickman So, scientifically speaking, who would you say is the drawliest? @mygospelfriends Well…. would have to say David. Nick and Chase only draw out their R’s a little. O_o

Church Member Anon (@Anonchurchmembr)
@mygospelfriends Thanks for the shout out on the podcast. @mygospelfriends I really enjoyed this week’s episode. Probably . your best to date. BTW it’s not a drawl…it is an accent you guys do have.

Megan Lindley (@MeganLindley3)
@mygospelfriends LOL… I’m only 11 minutes into podcast episode 18 and I really, really want to help y’all out!#painful #whereisDutchat

Superdad (@IamSuperdad)
@mygospelfriends If I could print out the picture in my mind of Chase at the beach, you would forever know him as Aquaman as I do.

Jones Podcasting (@jonespodcasting)
@mygospelfriends Listening to your latest episode at your state ranking list. I live in Texas and have tweeted you before.

Depressed Christian (@DepressedXian)
@mygospelfriends Your southern twangs brighten my day From deepest black to darkest grey.


The Aftershow

Chase, why is Janet selling furniture on FB?



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Not Entirely Unlike Chiptune, with acknowledgement to In Living Color, for our music this week

“Where Is Dutch At?”, Episode 18 of The Gospel Friends

“Where Is Dutch At?”
Episode 18 of The Gospel Friends

Subtitle: “Oh Crikey, that is not a handsome woman”


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

What Were You Thinking?!? Global Edition


The Undercard

Game: David


The Main Event

Can / Should Christians drink alcohol?
Tony Staley (@tonystaley) @mygospelfriends Would be interested in hearing you all elaborate on the b-dubs discussion in a future podcast (B Dubs is BWW = Beer discussion)
From James McSorley (email to me): Really looking forward to this weeks podcast. For me I don’t see drinking as being inherently sinful, though in the Christian community in Ireland its a big issue. Probably because of how many lives that have been ruined through the abuse of alcohol.
Tony Vance My issue with fermented wine is the clear Biblical command of not to be drunk-drunkenness is a clear sin. A very wise lady said, ‘if it takes 10 beers to get you drunk, 1 makes you 1/10th drunk!’

Tony Vance But I should say-I don’t de-Christianize anyone who feels free to drink (alcohol) -matter-of-fact, my dad (Pentecostal/arminian) & brother (Calvinist /baptist) both exercise that freedom for themselves

Tony Vance
The best message & discussion of DRINKING http://youtu.be/thXe-rtpl6U




Listener Feedback

From The Twitter:

Chris stuttard (@ChrisStuttard)
@mygospelfriends we had round the twist in the uk the one I remember is when they were trapped in the lighthouse because of seagulls

Tony Vance (@TonyVance1966)
@mygospelfriends spanking was even allowed at school, when I was a child, it was seen as needed & a responsibility

Michael Woodard (@RMichaelWoodard)
@mygospelfriends Just about lost it with the Six Flags over Jesus name for the Holy Land “compound.” That was funny. #slayedintheSpirit

ElijiahT ™ (@ElijiahT)
@mygospelfriends Thanks for telling us northerners what a “switch” is. I almost had to bust out the google.

Brad Melton (@BradEMelton) Tweeted us 7 things God taught him through the discipline discussion: @mygospelfriends 6. God’s discipline (learning&correction) is just another form of grace He gives us,…

Samuel Lovell (@samuel_lovell) (Encourage ‘The Doctor’ to call in and give us a shout)
@jdavidmcconnell @mygospelfriends Still in Oxford – getting ready to watch Latimer and Ridley burned in a couple of weeks. #legends (I went and read the story on these guys! WOW! – JDM)

John Talley I’d beg to differ on TBN. While a large part of it is prosperity gospel, it still carries the gospel into several countries. James Merritt, Jentezen Franklin, Franklin Graham, and Ed Young are broadcast on TBN. I think it’s largely like a church… Some solid folks, some nut jobs, some that just don’t get it. But it does carry the gospel to a lost and dying world (al beit with golden painted chairs, pink hair, and matching poodles)

I think it’s an area where we have to be careful not to eat our own. We as Christians tend to be more critical of each other than we are of the world and we are less likely to extend grace to those within than without. That’s why we restore lost sinners and crucify sinning saints.
September 24 at 1:12pm · Like · 1

Immanuel Marsh John, Christian pastors also have a responsibility to protect the sheep from wolves. There are a lot of wolves at TBN. TBN is responsible for what goes out over the airwaves. And they made your point on the podcast.
September 24 at 3:43pm · Edited · Like

Dan Richardson The problem with solid, orthodox teachers appearing on networks like TBN is that they give a credibility to the wackiness. Their response might be along the lines of “Well, we’re reaching heaps of people”…but that’s rank pragmatism. Solid teachers need to mark the false teachers…not break-bread with them.

From BEAN: This recent New York Times piece discusses the recent trend of local municipalities attempting to outlaw homelessness in what I would consider the worst way possible. Why isn’t the church more concerned with this sort of thing? How should the church respond, and how do The Gospel Friends feel about the homeless being treated in this manner?

New Listeners / First Time Feedback:

Josh Laney (@xEtrnlSoulx) From Washington State
@mygospelfriends long time listener, first time tweeter. Really enjoying the show! I’m just now able to tell you guys apart. #SouthernDrawl ALSO @mygospelfriends your guest last week, Emmanuel right?, he was great. I think my ears deserve more of him in the future. @jdavidmcconnell @mygospelfriends I would welcome a box of cereal; but if your kids need to eat, by all means have them eat it. Haha.

Arminian Aquaman (@ArminianAquaman)
@mygospelfriends I am listening to episode 16. NOT HAPPY, guys…’Lamest Superhero’??

John (@jhanan)
@mygospelfriends Just started listening to the latest episode. Love the IT Crowd reference!


From the Hall:

Hershel Kreis As if the music videos weren’t bad enough – I bring you blessercize! Nothing better to start your Saturday morning off with a violent purge of your digestive tract! HT: Tim Challies

Dan Richardson Thanks for that. I’ll be sending you the bill for the bag of gravel that I had to purchase to rub into my eyes in order to soothe the pain caused from that video.

Chris James Stuttard (Discuss this one a bit on the show)
September 24 at 12:38pm · Middlebrough, United Kingdom
I posted this on Twitter but I think I will ask here. Question from 17: what is a heretic? as I would class Rob Bell as one as he preaches a different gospel and different Jesus. And is unbiblical in a lot of his views. Yet others don’t share this view, so what is everyone’s definition on a heretic.

Tony Vance Heretic:any one who rejects Jesus (as described in the Bible) as the only means of salvation
September 24 at 12:42pm · Like

Chris James Stuttard So Rob Bell heretic or not? I would say you would say yes lol
September 24 at 12:44pm · Like · 1

Tony Vance I think he is on the brink
September 24 at 12:45pm · Like

Chris James Stuttard Ok so is false teacher different to heretic?
September 24 at 12:46pm · Like

Tony Vance I would say ‘yes’-if they are teaching unbiblical (not a difference in interpretation) but a heretic is a clear divergence from the TRUTH
September 24 at 12:48pm · Like

Chris James Stuttard So like Joel Osteen to me is a false teacher not a heretic
September 24 at 12:51pm · Like · 2

Immanuel Marsh Traditionally, a heretic was someone who went against the teachings of the Roman Catholic church. I’m not sure what heretic means in Protestantism. I only use it for those who teach against the atoning death and bodily resurrection of Christ.
September 24 at 12:58pm · Edited · Like · 2

Chris James Stuttard We need a table of heresy lol
September 24 at 12:57pm · Like · 1

Tony Vance We need a ‘superhero’ ‘Heretic Spotter’
September 24 at 1:00pm · Like · 1

Chris James Stuttard I am that hero!!!! Hahahaha
September 24 at 1:00pm · Like · 2

Tony Vance Immanuel Marsh-I would agree fully of that definition
September 24 at 1:00pm · Like · 1

Chris James Stuttard We are going from sensible to silly nearly as quickly as the podcast
September 24 at 1:01pm · Unlike · 2

Chris James Stuttard Me 2
September 24 at 1:01pm · Like

Robert W. Johnson I’ve always classified heresy as a teaching that, if held, separates one from salvation in Christ. Bell is without doubt in this category as he teaches universalism and religious pluralism.
September 24 at 1:07pm · Like · 1

Robert W. Johnson Just to expound on that last point, someone can have a false teaching but still be in Christ. We have to weigh, Biblically, what separates and what doesn’t. To classify a heresy as simply a false teaching I think results in the abuse of the word.

And this is evident as you don’t have to cruise the internet too much before you find an arminian calling a calvinist a heretic or YEC and OEC. I think it’s a shame that the word has been misused and used so nonchalantly.
September 24 at 2:00pm · Edited · Unlike · 4

Brad Melton So what definition of Universalism are you describing? (There seem to be a few.) Universalism that claims ALL are redeemed to eternity with The Father BECAUSE of Christ’s atoning death and resurrection would seem to not meet Robert’s or Immanuel’s definitions of heresy.
September 24 at 3:07pm · Like

Chris James Stuttard Id still say that was heretical
September 24 at 4:18pm · Like

Immanuel Marsh Yeah I wouldn’t call that heresy. I’m not a universalist. But I would just consider that to be wrong or misguided, not heretical.
September 24 at 4:22pm · Like

Chris James Stuttard Ok little lost any view that doesn’t promote salvation by faith and repentance. Is false but not heretical?
September 24 at 4:25pm · Like

Immanuel Marsh You can believe in salvation by faith alone and still be a universalist (depending on what type of universalism).
September 24 at 4:27pm · Like · 1

Chris James Stuttard But it’s more than faith alone it’s repentance through faith. Without repentance salvation is null and void I would
September 24 at 4:53pm · Like

Chris James Stuttard say pressed return 2 early
September 24 at 4:53pm · Like

Immanuel Marsh Yeah my point was that I believe you can be legitimately converted and still be a universalist.
September 24 at 6:33pm · Like

Robert W. Johnson Rob Bell’s view of universalism is false and can lead people into not following Jesus in this life as they will be able to follow Him later on after they’ve lead terrible lives. Bell puts up a good front in interviews but he doesn’t answer any questions head on because he knows the heretical nature of what he writes and teaches. This new book that will be coming out on egalitarianism is going to be along those same lines. This view is heresy to me.
September 24 at 7:08pm · Like · 2

Chris James Stuttard

Other Hall topics this week: (Join the Hall to read the discussions – not engage too much on the podcast on these)
Robert W. Johnson
Here’s a quote from the MEV translation website,
” The MEV is a translation of the Textus Receptus and the Jacob ben Hayyim edition of the Masoretic Text, using the King James Version as the base manuscript.”
My question to the hall is: Do you think producing a translation based on the textus receptus and the KJV Translation is a waste of time as new discoveries have found much older manuscripts that were not yet discovered when the KJV translators were working in 1605-1611?

Robert W. Johnson
September 24 at 2:03pm
This is a topic I’ve started to study but would like to know your thoughts: How often should communion be performed? Is there a Biblical limitation/instruction?
If possible, provide chapter and verse.



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Not Entirely Unlike Chiptune, with acknowledgement to Sonseed, for our music this week


“International Livers”, Episode 17 of The Gospel Friends

“International Livers”
Episode 17 of The Gospel Friends


What’s On Tap?


The Cold Open

From Brad Melton in the Hall of Dogma: http://www.nwahomepage.com/story/d/story/-/Dup3xgUagkq_LXb92uv65Q


The Undercard



The Main Event

Big Deal or Little Deal (Chase)

Rob Bell’s new egalitarian book on marriage


Discipline (David)
Ryen Russillo quote, “We’re not debating spanking here – this seems completely over the top.”

Charles Barkley defends Adrian Peterson’s use of corporal punishment

Listener Feedback

From The Hall:

Dan Richardson For you Apple fans, sorry Immanuel, I’ve made this into a 30sec ringtone. You’re welcome https://www.dropbox.com/…/Jesus%20Is%20a%20Friend%20of…
Jeff Hendricks Episode 16: my notes are as follows.It’s “co-habitating” not “co-habiting”. What’s a co-habit? Two people smoking at the same time? Two nuns? Sorry, Immanuel! I had Living Colour on constant play in my car’s tape deck. We’d love to do a cover of Cult Of Personality! Wouldn’t have pegged you as a metal head, but yeah… might have to add Enter Sandman to the list too.”The Renewed Mind” OMG that was awful… he actually tried to moonwalk?? Fail, fail, fail. Might have a hard time converting that one to Chiptune… doing the last one was severely traumatic! My children were permanently scarred from my having to watch it like 10 times in a row.
Hershel Kreis Here is another bad Christian music video- I feel for the guyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D5148rRIkw
Worst Church Singer Ever: Man Sings ‘Looking For A City’
My ears….bleeding!!!
2 Keys to church: “Honor God and take up the offering. “ What famous pastor said this quote? 4-2

From The Twitter:

@mygospelfriends Apple or Android? Bleh, neither. My Nokia Lumia 1020 owns all. #WindowsPhone #41megapixels

Andrew Howard @amh_517
@mygospelfriends Apple all the way!! Mac and iPhone are great!

Hershel Kreis (@W4TMN)
@mygospelfriends Definitely need to have Immanuel there more often! Enjoyed his contribution in Episode 16

@mygospelfriends – Finishing the latest podcast. I’ve had it! I need a Gospel Friends dictionary for all religious-like terms you use. (From David: @IamSuperdad @mygospelfriends Plus – all the words we make up as we go along…)
That John Daker video not only made me LOL, it was the first time in years I nearly wet myself laughing. @mygospelfriends

@mygospelfriends Strongly suspecting John Daker didn’t make #16 cover due to your superpowers of grace and mercy.
ALSO: @mygospelfriends Had episode #16 on my mind when preacher spoke on marrying cohabitors this morning! Thanks for the prep!
Let There Be Movies (@LetThereBMovies)
@mygospelfriends “The General” should also have a tagline… “evil is expensive” Hahaha. Loved the iPhone/apple v. android/google battle.
@mygospelfriends REALLY loved the discussion on who pastors can/should marry. Need to study more on this myself. Great dialogue!

Rob Johnson (@robjohnson90)
@mygospelfriends Good show guys, really like Immanuel’s perspective. Have to say, I dug God’s not dead as I think it opens doors for layman.

Michael Woodard
@mygospelfriends legal counsel likely advised on the chances of being sued and the cost if sued; board likely made decision based on info. best case if sued pay lots of $ and keep cross; worst case pay lot of $ and ordered to remove cross. No win if sued. but attorney who called school is a moron. People think they have a right to not be offended. (I’m a lawyers too)

@mygospelfriends I find your show; thoughtful, humorous & SEC CRAZY (a little much) @mygospelfriends absolutely. I am sure, you will understand that. We are proud of their effort against ‘mighty’ Alabama ! @mygospelfriends funny -haha-I’m an Arminius fan too. I’m baptist-but Freewill. Don’t hold it against you guys, though.

New Listeners / First Time Feedback:

Patching Cracks (@patchingcracks)
@mygospelfriends listening to the podcast for the first time. Really enjoying it. Great stuff. (@David) Thank you, sir! We will have a shout out for you (and the great state of Montana) on Ep. 17!

Oldpaths Guide (@oldpathsguide) Keeping people on the straight and narrow oldpaths since this country started. Follow me as I follow King James.
@mygospelfriends @nickjenkins Really enjoyed the episode! (@David) Thanks! We will have a shout out for you (and the KJV) on Ep 17!!
@mygospelfriends @chaseathompson Referred a preacher friend who was struggling with marrying a couple to listen

meredith rainaldi (@mereeeeeeee)
@jdavidmcconnell yup!! Found your podcast about a month ago and I’m listening to all of them through the beginning! Loving it so far!

Follow-Up from last week:

Silversyx 114 points : 1 replies : a day ago reply
Oh those tiny beautiful feet. I weep with you for your loss and my heart breaks for you my friend.



The Aftershow

Round The Twist vs TBN aka What Has The General Gotten Us Into



Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special thanks to Not Entirely Unlike Chiptune, with acknowledgement to Sonseed, for our music this week
