“I Care Nothing About Abs on a Guy + The Return of The General!” Episode 93 of the Gospel Friends

“I Care Nothing About Abs on a Guy + The Return of The General!”
Episode 93 of The Gospel Friends

The Open:

I. David:  Would same sex attraction disqualify somebody from being a church pastor/elder?

II. As The Driscoll Turns Update: Mark Driscoll Lawsuit

III. The Question:  (Immanuel) –  As the Tullian Turns: Should Christians stop studying the teachings of fallen pastors?



Coming sooner than you think….a very special (and short?!) episode #94?! 

Contact Us

Twitter: @mygospelfriends
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/hallofdogma
Email: thegospelfriends@gmail.com
Voicemail: (205) 575-9735 or http://www.speakpipe.com/thegospelfriends

Special Thanks

to Shawn Lombard for our into music – “Won’t Go ‘Til You Bless Me” from Rare Bird
Website: ShawnLombard.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shawn-Lombard/

to Jeff Hendricks (@FunkyStickman) for our outro music – “Jesus Is A Friend of Mine (Remix)”
Website: http://soundcloud.com/notentirelyunlikechiptune/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/notentirelychip/

The Gospel Friends – Pilot, “Welcome to the Hall of Dogma”


In a world where heresy blankets the airwaves, religious stuffed-shirts suck the life out of Sunday morning, and prosperity teachers rob grandmothers of their pensions, three unassuming ministers endeavor to shine the light of Biblical theology and put the fun back in fundamentalism…